
DreamMail Email client app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

DreamMail Abstract:

DreamMail was designed to handle multi-user and multi email account. It is a freeware email client application that's reliable, well-designed, helpful and portable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Support for multiple accounts and mail protocols - Screenshot of DreamMail
Support for multiple accounts and mail protocols.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2344px · 1698px
Clean GUI, organize your address book and access a RSS reader - Screenshot of DreamMail
Clean GUI, organize your address book and access a RSS reader.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2852px · 1485px
Create backups and protect your data with a passkey - Screenshot of DreamMail
Create backups and protect your data with a passkey.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2852px · 1485px
Mail client with support for SMTP, POP 3, Yahoo and Hotmail - Screenshot of DreamMail
Mail client with support for SMTP, POP 3, Yahoo and Hotmail.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2451px · 1602px
Mail client for the clever minded - Screenshot of DreamMail
Mail client for the clever minded.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2451px · 1602px
Manage many users at same time, and can set perfectly many mail accounts - Screenshot of DreamMail
Manage many users at same time, and can set perfectly many mail accounts.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2300px · 1484px
DreamMail: E-mail client - Screenshot of DreamMail
DreamMail: E-mail client.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2300px · 1484px
DreamMail: Google - Screenshot of DreamMail
DreamMail: Google.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2300px · 1484px
DreamMail: Email management - Screenshot of DreamMail
DreamMail: Email management.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2300px · 1484px
Email client with SMTP, POP3, Gmail and Yahoo Mail support - Screenshot of DreamMail
Email client with SMTP, POP3, Gmail and Yahoo Mail support.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2255px · 1382px
DreamMail: User interface - Screenshot of DreamMail
DreamMail: User interface.
Screenshot of DreamMail - 2057px · 1466px
DreamMail screenshot
Screenshot of DreamMail -
Size: 2451px · 1602px